What is Go Long?

Go Long is about putting you in charge of your health and getting where you want to go through thorough, responsibly researched data and a clear sense of who you are as a person.

It is an alternative to the nonsense in the wellness industry - one that works.

It’s about following the science and getting real about what’s happening.

At its core are empathy for your struggle(s), pragmatic solutions that fit your life and optimism that you can live the life you want to live.

About me

In my 20s, I worked in investment banking in New York and London while making poor lifestyle choices. Despite hitting the gym hard, I struggled with personal trainers who didn’t understand me. Wrist pain revealed rheumatoid arthritis, which was my 1st auto-immune disease, making it a 45-minute ordeal to get out of bed due to stiffness from medication.

In my 30s, during a burnout phase, I met my husband, moved to Seattle, and switched to tech. Determined to improve my health, I started running. My goal was survival, but running and healthy eating got me off meds in six months. I built up to marathons but was later diagnosed with colitis, my 2nd autoimmune disease.

In my 40s, I embraced CrossFit and strength training while progressing in my tech career. My husband’s emergency brain surgery required my full-time attention, and I faced my 3rd autoimmune disease. Menopause added more complexity to my health journey.

In my 50s, I’m stronger than ever. I achieved my first pull-up at 51, even through menopause. I left tech to help women with autoimmune diseases live their best lives. I’ve made all the mistakes and learned from them.

My mission is to help you avoid those mistakes and live your best life. It’s about making small, incremental changes and having someone to be accountable to, someone who can connect the dots through experience.

That’s where Go Long comes in. Through empathy, pragmatism, and optimism, I want to help make your life unapologetically awesome.

Let’s Go Long together!

That’s what I want for you. I want you to be able to Go Long however that looks for you. And I want to help you get there. I’ve been coaching on the side for 10+ years sharing my ups and downs freely so you can benefit from my experiences!

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Why subscribe?

Invest in all aspects of your health by becoming a paid subscriber.

Get the discounted $90 annual subscription (just ~$7.50/month) to receive coaching on:

  • How you’re not alone in your struggles

  • Incorporating practical solutions on how you can lead a healthier life without having to give up “the fun”

  • How you have more agency than you think you do in making the changes you want to make in your life

Paid members also receive access to the full library of posts and podcast episodes with experts in all of the things that plague us in mid-life. These span topics from fitness to mental health to financial health to caretaking loved ones.

As a paid member, you also receive discounts on consulting and concierge services that provide bespoke wellness solutions for YOUR life.

There’s also a monthly option for $9/month.

Founding members also receive a 60-minute wellness consulting call to go over whatever topics you would like to prioritize. Note that this can be gifted to someone else, if preferred.

My private coaching focuses on who you are as a person, mentally and emotionally, not just your height and weight. I create a personalized plan to help you understand and internalize what have been the barriers to you being able to prioritize yourself. I take into account your day and schedule, what you’ve done and what hasn’t worked, time constraints, stressors, what you want to do now, what want to do fifteen or twenty years from now; do the research; give you a report based on the best science; and help you implement the three changes you need to make. 

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How This Can Help You?

The biggest benefit I’ve gained from finding my own wellness has been to gift my parents with a movement mindset because it’s allowed them more quality time with their grandchildren.

What I also learned is that prioritizing work isn’t going to help you get on the path to wellness and longevity. It might help you put a lot of money in the bank for when you retire, but what’s the point if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor?

That’s where Go Long can help you. I won’t use the term' ‘balance’, but it’s about giving you the structure you need to live the life you want to live so that you can “work to live” as opposed to “living to work.”

I’m so glad you’re here.

Let’s Go Long together!

Schedule a Complimentary Call

— Jill

P.S. — The fastest way to achieve the wellness goals you want to achieve is by setting up a private 20 minute free consultation to get started, which you can do here.

Subscribe to Go Long

Making life after 40 unapologetically awesome through fitness, diet and stress management. Thriving with 3 autoimmune diseases in my 50s. No gimmicks. No BS. Just straight talk. Featured in @wsj.


Making life after 40 unapologetically awesome through fitness, nutrition and stress management. Thriving with 3 autoimmune diseases in my 50s. No gimmicks. No BS. Just straight talk. Featured in WSJ. Let's Go Long together!