Jun 23, 2023Liked by Jill Consor Beck

I was recently struck by survey data that stated it was acceptable for women to have a host of symptoms through menopause. I call BS on society thinking it is acceptable! Because we all know that if men had night sweats, cramping, brain fog, anxiety ....etc .... as their testosterone dropped, there would be a national focus and fast-tracked FDA approvals on treatments for their betterment. But short of rioting and raising awareness, adjusting our workouts, our recoveries to better meet our changing needs will help!

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It is garbage. Just as it is acceptable for most studies to focus on men because they do not want to deal with the vagueries of women’s menstrual cycles in those same studies. Even though, women make up 50% of the population!

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I need to be in your orbit Jill. Something made me find you on on linked intoday. A day when I really needed it!! Bravo for what you’re doing. I feel I could learn so much

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Mary — So lovely to hear from you. I’ll message you but thank you for your words of encouragement.

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