Sep 20, 2023Liked by Jill Consor Beck

Great article Jill and congrats on your visceral fat being in the "best" category! QQ: do you know if you can call one of these companies and pay out of pocket for a body composition scan ? Thanks for putting it on my radar!

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Excellent question. Yes, you can pay out of pocket for a body comp scan. That's what I did. The bone scan, which I will be having later this year, is generally through a prescription from your doctor and I'll be running that through insurance (although I suspect they won't have a problem taking your money if you're going OOP).

On this visit, I did a Resting Metabolic Rate test (this will be in part 2 tomorrow and was $175) and a VO2 max test (also part 2 and was $175), in addition to the Body Comp scan ($150). Some places may offer packages so you can get a discount.

I went to the one in Seattle, but here are the other DexaFit locations:


Hope all is well and please let me know if you have more questions!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Jill Consor Beck

Amazing! Thanks for your detailed answer. I’m going to schedule now.

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