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Mom guilt and making one change at a time

You're doing a better job than you think you are.

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Hi there, and Happy Friday from Go Long.

I was talking to a client recently how she was frustrated around the types of food choices that she feels she gets forced into because of being a carpool driver from the hours of 330 until 730, essentially. And I know this is something that a lot of Moms lament about.

And so:

  • A, they're not giving their kid a healthy meal, and

  • B, they're not eating as well as they would like, and then they get frustrated about menopause belly and all these things.

What I'm here to tell you is that what you can do is think about this problem from the margins.

Is there a part of your day where you have more control over your food choices?

For some people, you may have more control over breakfast and lunch. And so what I would do there is envision the types of meals that you want to be eating at breakfast and lunch that are healthy.

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So this way you have that latitude in case something goes haywire at dinner. But then the other thing that I suggest. To this client is to pack a mini cooler, right, and put it near your purse so that this way you don't forget it. And put in there healthy snacks like baby carrots, some roasted turkey slices, right?

There's a lot of healthy options out there, and so this way, if you're in a pinch, you don't have to eat all of that for dinner. But if you need that just as a snack to tide you over so that you don't get hangry, try that.

If you're looking for more individualized suggestions for how you can improve your health and wellness, schedule a call, get in touch.

I can help. Have a great weekend.

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