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Exploring Legal Journeys for Women Over 40

Introducing Miya Nazzaro, where we talk about both personal and professional considerations for women in the "sandwich generation" so they can 'Go Long'.

[Recorded video is 46 minutes - timestamps below in addition to the transcript.]

It’s no secret that women live longer than men. With that, women over 40 are using their lived experiences and starting more businesses than ever before. As such, it’s important to protect yourself and understand the legal considerations you may encounter both personally and professionally.

I’m fortunate to have hosted Miya Nazzaro, Founder and Managing Partner of Nazzaro PLLC, for a wide-ranging discussion on legal journeys for women over 40.

About Mia

Miya Nazzaro is the founder and Managing Attorney of Nazzaro Law. Combining her business background in finance, operations, and risk management with legal expertise, she offers insightful legal counsel that drives client revenue. Miya partners with small businesses, start-ups, and consulting firms to craft business strategies for exponential growth and scalable legal systems. With experience in negotiating multi-million-dollar contracts and developing exit strategies, she understands the importance of integrating legal functions with overall business goals. Entrepreneurs can trust Miya to listen, connect with their vision, and support their success every step of the way.

Major Topics Covered

  • Estate planning

  • How to plan when you have a special needs child

  • What is involved when taking care of your parents and applying for different types of government assistance such as Social Security, Medicare, etc.

  • Thoughts to consider when starting and/or building a business

  • How to mindfully scale your business so you don’t burnout

Go Long recommends listening to the entire podcast for context, but knows you are all busy people so below you will see timestamps. As a reminder, this podcast is not a substitute for legal or financial advice. Please consult with professionals who understand your full picture in order to make the best decision for your situation.

Ways to connect with Miya:

Ways to connect with Go Long

Quick Takeaways

Miya: As women, we often have so many roles that we're trying to fulfill, we're caretakers, we have relationships of all types. Consider that in your delivery schedule for your services or your products. Have you built in a margin so that you are not pushed to the hilt and stressed beyond belief?

Think about how you're going to make that business work for you, including in all of these contracts so that you can make it and you're giving yourself flexibility and grace to live life.

Jill: The value of your business is through the repeatable systems you set up, including all of the metrics you track. It’s never too early to start collecting this data.


00:00 - 02:53 - Introducing Miya and her background 

02:54 - 05:49 - Estate planning when you don’t have obvious heirs

05:50 - 10:42 - How best to ensure you’re being taken care of while you are living

10:43 - 16:09 - Considerations for if you have a special needs child and/or taking care of your parents

16:10 - 19:14 - What is ‘means testing’ and how does that figure into applying for government assistance for seniors?

19:15 - 22:01 - Other considerations for women over 40 since women tend to outlive men

22:02 - 23:34 - Considerations when you’re starting a new business and/or building a new business so you can scale

23:45 - 27:29 - What to think about when setting up contracts and how to manage your risk

27:30 - 30:44 - How to structure your business so it can grow and scale

30:45 – 34:09 - When can you start using your copyright symbol? What is covered under your copyright?

34:10 - 36:42 - How to protect your idea and the importance of execution

36:43 - 40:34 - Structuring your contracts differently when you’re dealing with B2B clients vs. B2C clients

40:35 - 43:40 - The importance of leveraging other resources as you grow

43:41 - 45:40 - How to make your business work for you so you can live life

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